Personal Training & Exercise Classes Near Madrona

What We Provide

Personal Training

Injury Rehabilitation

Experienced trainers to guide you towards your goals

Saving our clients major time, stress, and pain

Group Classes

Nutrition Coaching

Daily, 45 min classes

Identify the elements of your perfect plan

Welcome to Local Fit, Seattle's premier center for personalized fitness, where every workout is an experience tailored just for you.

Located conveniently near Madrona, The neighborhood was named by John Ayer, who contributed the land for Madrona Park, after a species of tree (Arbutus) common to the area.

Our state-of-the-art facility is designed to inspire and motivate, with expert trainers dedicated to empowering you to exceed your fitness goals. From cutting-edge equipment to innovative classes that challenge and invigorate, every aspect of our gym is crafted with your success in mind. Join us for a unique fitness adventure, where your personal goals are our priority, and discover the power of a supportive community committed to your well-being.

Reach out today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve the transformation you've been seeking. Let's embark on this journey together and make your fitness dreams a reality.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

(401) -371-6611

john (at)


Instructor: Mitch

Location: 1500 Summit Ave, Seattle, WA 98122

Times: 8am, 12pm, 6:30pm

Focus: Chest and back

Example exercises: chest press, flys, rows, pull-downs


Instructor: Ben

Location: 1500 Summit Ave, Seattle, WA 98122

Times: 8am, 6:30pm

Focus: Legs

Example exercises: squats, lunges, leg press, hamstring curls, calf raises

Our Classes


Instructor: John, Mitch

Location: 1500 Summit Ave, Seattle, WA 98122

Times: 8am, 12pm, 6:30pm

Focus: Shoulders and arms

Example exercises: overhead press, lateral and front raises, tricep extensions, bicep curls etc


Instructor: Ben

Location: 1500 Summit Ave, Seattle, WA 98122

Times: 8am, 6:30pm

Focus: Full body

A mix of all exercises for that full body workout.

Emphasis on conditioning and core strength..


Instructors: John, Mitch

Location: 1500 Summit Ave, Seattle, WA 98122

Times: 8am, 12pm, 6:30pm

Focus: Legs

Example exercises: squats, lunges, leg press, hamstring curls, calf raises


Instructor: Ben

Location: 1500 Summit Ave, Seattle, WA 98122

Times: 9am

Focus: Full body

A mix of compound movements, machines and cables. 

Focus on full body strength training


Instructor: Lo

Location: 227 Broadway E

Times: 10am

Focus: Butts and Guts

Butts & Guts is a strength-based HIIT class that focuses on building strength while sculpting the core and glutes.

**Additional Saturday class at 11 am at Broadway location focused on mobility and flexibility.

Guided movement with Lo. A yoga style class that focuses on expanding your range of emotion while releasing tension and chronic pain stored in your body.

You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you.